Thursday, August 03, 2006

Blogger Plays the Pimp for Desperate Male Mumbaikers

I've got this thing called Site Meter on my blog, which basically lets you see how many people are viewing your blog and where they are viewing it from. Occasionally my blog goes international -- I've received views from people in countries in every corner of the globe -- which I always find a bit amusing. Sitemeter also allows you to see how the person got there -- for example, if they linked to your blog from another blog, or if they typed the blog name in on their own.

My personal favorite is when a person stumbles across my blog through Google search terms, which Blogger is so kind as to record.

(For your own personal knowledge, it might be useful to know that if you type in, say, "kinky sex with horses" and that connects you to someone's blog that has Site meter, someone, somewhere, will know that you, at IP address "1234567", are interested in reading about kinky sex with horses. Just, you know, so you know.)

Anyway. On a semi-regular basis, random souls out on the information superhighway (does anyone call it that anymore? What a great, if antiquated, term!) come across my blog by typing in seemingly innocuous phrases. My posting titled Vengeance is Mine Sayeth the Lord is popular -- and I just love the idea of all sorts of bible-quote-seeking types stumbling across my rather non-biblical (unless you mean in the biblical sense) musings. The Kundera quotes I like to sprinkle in from time to time are also popular. Really, any random phrase that isn't used all that often will do.

So today, a gentle reader from Mumbai, Maharastra, India came across my blog after using the Google Blogger search function. His terms? "Women who need male massagers in mumbai."

Love it. Some guy in Mumbai is trying to find a woman looking for a male massager, and he somehow comes across my blog. (I'm assuming it has something to do with my mention of the highly annoying Chowpatty Beach massagers in my posting on Mumbai.)

The real question is -- how many other blog sites did he come across that fit his search terms? And did he ever find what he was looking for?

p.s. And while I'm pointing out odd technical quirks of the blogging it not the height of irony that Blogger's spellcheck does not actually recognize the word "blog"?


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