Wednesday, June 14, 2006

You Can't Make This Shit Up

According to Colleen Graffy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy (take note, they've put this woman in charge of public diplomacy), the recent suicides at Guantanomo was a "good PR move."

Wait, let's not take her out of context here. The full quote: "Taking their own lives was not necessary but it certainly is a good PR move to draw attention," she said.

I work in P.R. Suicide? Nope, not a recommended option. There's that whole matter of....your relationship with the public doesn't really mean a whole lot if you're DEAD. Just, you know, for starters.

The suicides at Guantanomo may or may not have been a good PR move (I vote no, but that's just my opinion), but I can tell you what a really, really bad PR move looks like...letting this woman anywhere near a microphone.


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