Friday, May 26, 2006

Loose Lips Sink Ships

Money quote of the day, from The Toronto Star... and about a billion other papers:

Bush uncharacteristically did not hesitate when asked about mistakes he had made since the March 2003 invasion.

"Saying `bring it on,'" he said, in reference to an ill-advised taunt to Iraqi insurgents in the summer of 2003.

"The kind of tough talk, you know, that sent the wrong signal to people. You know, I learned some lessons about expressing myself in maybe a little more sophisticated manner ... `wanted dead or alive,' that kind of talk."

Really? So he's learned that maybe, just maybe, before he goes shooting off his mouth cowboy style, he ought to think a little about what consequences his words might have on the rest of the world? Like, you know, that he might inspire insurgents to try harder to kill American troops in Iraq?

For all the BS about Democrats not "supporting our troops," I can't think of a single Democrat that has dared the world to try and hurt them. Bring it on, indeed, Mr.'s not like it's your body, or those of your daughters, on the front line, is it?

Well, at least he's learned his lesson.


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